
Common Electrical Issues in Sacramento Commercial Building


Common Electrical Issues in Sacramento Commercial Building

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Commercial building electrical systems are critical elements in the functioning of any commercial establishment. It powers a vast range of devices, machines, and appliances that businesses use to conduct their operations. Electrical problems can cause downtime and a decrease in productivity. They also pose a significant safety risk to employees and visitors.

As a business owner or property manager in Sacramento, it's important to identify the most common electrical issues that can arise in commercial buildings. This article outlines some of these issues and offers some tips on how to prevent them.

1. Overloaded Circuits

Overloaded circuits occur when there are too many devices connected to a single circuit. This can cause the circuit breaker to trip, shutting off the power to that circuit. Overloaded circuits can also lead to overheating, which can cause electrical fires.

To prevent overloaded circuits, businesses should ensure that they have sufficient electrical capacity to meet their needs. This may require upgrading the electrical system or adding new circuits. Additionally, businesses should avoid daisy-chaining power strips or extension cords as this can increase the risk of overloading circuits.

2. Outdated Wiring

Many older commercial buildings in Sacramento have outdated electrical systems and wiring. This can cause a range of problems, including power outages, electrical shocks, and fires. Outdated wiring may also be unable to handle the electrical demands of modern businesses.

To prevent these issues, businesses should have their electrical systems inspected by a licensed commercial electrician. This can identify any outdated wiring or components that need to be replaced. Upgrading the electrical system can improve safety, increase electrical capacity, and reduce the risk of downtime.

3. Electrical Surges

Electrical surges occur when the voltage in an electrical system spikes. This can be caused by lightning strikes, power outages, or faulty wiring. Electrical surges can damage electrical devices and appliances and increase the risk of electrical fires.

To prevent electrical surges, businesses should install surge protectors. Surge protectors can help to absorb voltage spikes and protect devices from damage. Additionally, businesses should ensure that their electrical systems are properly grounded, which can reduce the risk of surges caused by lightning strikes.

4. Malfunctioning Equipment

Commercial buildings rely on a vast range of electrical equipment and appliances to operate. This equipment can malfunction for a variety of reasons, including age, wear and tear, and power surges.

To prevent equipment malfunctions, businesses should ensure that their equipment is properly maintained. Regular maintenance can identify potential issues before they become major problems. Additionally, businesses should replace equipment that is outdated or no longer functioning properly.

5. Faulty Outlets and Switches

Outlets and switches can become faulty over time, which can cause electrical problems. Faulty outlets and switches can cause electrical shocks, short circuits, and fires.

To prevent these issues, businesses should ensure that their outlets and switches are inspected regularly. This can identify any faulty components that need to be replaced. Additionally, businesses should avoid using damaged or frayed cords, which can increase the risk of electrical shocks.

6. Tripped Breakers

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when they detect an overload or short circuit. This is a safety mechanism that helps to prevent electrical fires. However, frequent tripping can be a sign of an underlying electrical issue.

To prevent tripped breakers, businesses should ensure that their electrical systems are properly sized. If the circuit breaker is frequently tripping, it may be a sign that the circuit is overloaded, or there may be an issue with the electrical system. Businesses should consult with a licensed electrician to diagnose and fix any underlying issues.

7. Flickering Lights

Flickering lights can be a frustrating issue for businesses. They can also be a sign of an underlying electrical issue. Flickering lights may be caused by loose wiring, outdated fixtures, or faulty ballasts.

To prevent flickering lights, businesses should ensure that their lighting fixtures are properly installed and maintained. This includes replacing outdated fixtures and ensuring that all wiring is properly secured. Additionally, businesses should replace any faulty ballasts or bulbs.

8. Power Outages

Power outages can be caused by a variety of factors, including severe weather, equipment failure, and grid overload. Power outages can cause significant downtime for businesses and can result in lost revenue.

To prevent power outages, businesses should install a backup power source, such as a generator. This can provide electricity during outages and ensure that businesses can continue to operate. Additionally, businesses should ensure that their electrical systems are properly maintained and upgraded as needed.


Electrical issues can be a significant problem for businesses. They can cause downtime, decrease productivity, and pose a safety risk to employees and visitors. However, many electrical issues can be prevented through proper maintenance and upgrades.

At Sagan Electric, we are a trusted Commercial Electrical Contractor in Sacramento with a team of licensed electricians who can help businesses identify and address any electrical issues before they become major problems. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our experienced team of professionals.
