
Staying Safe: Shower During Lightning


Staying Safe: Shower During Lightning

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If there's one thing many people love, it's a long, hot shower. This simple act can wash away the stress of the day and leave you feeling warm and relaxed. But what happens if a thunderstorm starts while you're in the shower? Deciding to shower during lightning can be a dangerous decision. While extremely rare, there is a risk associated with it that everyone should be aware of.

Understanding the Dangers of Lightning

Lightning is an impressive but highly dangerous natural phenomenon. It's the discharge of electricity in our atmosphere, usually associated with thunderstorms. The power of a single lightning bolt is immense — it can reach temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun and travels at a speed of around 200,000 mph.

What Happens during a Lightning Strike?

When lightning strikes, it's looking for the quickest path to the ground. This could be a tree, a building or unfortunately, sometimes a person. Anything that is a good conductor of electricity can be a potential target. This means that if a lightning bolt hits your home during a storm, the electrical energy can travel through your plumbing.

The Danger of Showering during Lightning

If your home gets struck by lightning while you're showering, the electrical charge can travel through the water and electrify you. This is why it's often advised to avoid showering, washing dishes, or any prolonged contact with water during a thunderstorm.

The Science behind the Risk

Water isn't a very good conductor of electricity, but it's the impurities in the water that conduct electrical currents so effectively. Furthermore, most plumbing pipes are made from metal, making them excellent conductors of electricity.

How to Stay Safe during a Lightning Storm

Staying safe from lightning while in your home is relatively simple. Here are a few precautions you can follow:

  • Avoid showering or bathing
  • Don't wash dishes or perform any activity that involves prolonged contact with water
  • Stay away from windows and doors
  • Avoid electronic equipment of all types

Myths and Misconceptions about Lightning Safety

While it's true that a lightning strike while you're in the shower is extremely rare, it's important to understand the situation fully. There are several myths and misconceptions about lightning safety, one of the most common being that rubber soles can protect you from a lightning strike. In reality, the current from a lightning strike is so powerful that it can easily pass through rubber.

Clearing Up Confusion

Another common myth is that lightning never strikes the same place twice. In actual fact, lightning frequently strikes the same place repeatedly, especially if it’s a tall, pointed, isolated object.

We should all respect the power of nature and take precautions to stay safe. So, while showering during a lightning storm is a highly unlikely way to get struck by lightning, it's a risk that can easily be avoided. Stay grounded, stay safe!

Frequently Asked Questions about Showering During Lightning

People often have many concerns and inquiries about the safety of showering during a lightning storm. Below, we dive into some of the most commonly posed questions on the subject.

Why is it Suggested Not to Shower During a Lightning Storm?

It's recommended to avoid showering during a lightning storm because lightning can travel through your home's plumbing system. If you're in contact with water or any device connected to the plumbing system at the time of a lightning strike, you could potentially be electrocuted.

Is it Dangerous to Shower During Lightning Storms?

Yes, although the risk is relatively low, it can still be dangerous to shower during a lightning storm. As mentioned before, lightning can travel through your home's plumbing system. Therefore, advice is to refrain from showering or doing any activity that involves being in contact with water during such circumstances.

Can Lightning Strike You While You're in the Shower?

Yes, it's possible albeit other factors like the size and material of your plumbing pipes, and the exact path of the lightning strike are involved. However, the danger comes more from being in contact with water or a device connected to the plumbing system, rather than the lightning directly striking you.

How Can Lightning Travel Through Water To Reach Me?

Water is indeed a good conductor of electricity. In the event of a lightning strike near your home, the electrical discharge can travel through your home's plumbing system. If you happen to be in contact with this water, you could be subjected to an electrical shock.

Is it Safe to Use Other Plumbing Fixtures During a Lightning Storm?

In addition to showers, it is also recommended to avoid using any plumbing fixtures during a lightning storm. That includes sinks, bathtubs, and even washing machines. Anything connected to your home's plumbing system can potentially conduct electricity in the event of a nearby lightning strike.

What Precautions Can I Take During a Lightning Storm?

Aside from staying away from water and plumbing fixtures, there are some other precautions you can take. If your house is very prone to lightning strikes, you might want to consider lightning rods or other deterrents. When a storm is ongoing, it’s best to also stay away from windows, doors, and off the phone as these provide a path for lightning to follow.

What Should I do if Lightning Strikes my house During a Shower?

If lightning strikes your home while you're in the shower, try to exit the shower as quickly and safely as possible. It’s also important to then reach out to your fire department or city inspectors to ensure the lightning hasn’t caused any structural damage or potential fire hazards in your home.

Can I Resume Showering After a Lightning Storm has Passed?

Once the storm has visibly passed and the threat of lightning is over, it is generally safe to resume showering and using plumbing fixtures. However, it’s always safer to wait a little while longer just to be sure the storm is truly over.

Pros and Cons of Showering During Lightning


Relief from Heat and Humidity

As strange as it might sound, showering while there's lightning can be a pleasant break from stifling heat and humidity, especially in tropical climates. Warm rainwater and the cool indoors form a soothing combination that can be incredibly relaxing.

  • Relaxation: Some people find the sound of rain hitting the roof relaxing, and bathing in such an atmosphere can induce feelings of calm and serenity.
  • Unique Experience: How often does one get to enjoy a shower during a lightning storm? It's relatively rare, which can make it a unique experience worth having.

Leisure and Enjoyment

Assuming there's no immediate threat, a lot of people find thunderstorms and the accompanying rainfall therapeutic. As such, they find it leisurely relaxing under warm showers while enjoying the sights and sounds of the storm.

  • Thermal Comfort: During a thunderstorm, ambient temperatures tend to drop. Combined with a warm shower, this can provide an excellent thermal comfort, making the experience enjoyable.
  • Audio-Visual Stimulation: For some people, thunderstorms provide sensory stimulation that they find compelling - the sound of thunder, flashes of lightning, and the scent of rain can stimulate the senses.


Risk of Electrocution

Showering during a lightning storm can be risky because lightning can travel through a home's plumbing system. While this phenomenon is extremely rare, it is still possible and carries potentially fatal results.

  • Safety Risks: If your home is struck by lightning, the electrical energy can pass through metal pipes and into the water itself, potentially leading to electrocution. This is especially true in homes with metallic plumbing.
  • Property Damage: Lightning can cause significant damage to your home's electrical and plumbing systems, which could be costly to repair.

Increased Storm-Related Anxiety

Showering during a lightning storm can increase anxiety, specifically in individuals with astraphobia - the fear of thunder and lightning. Being in a vulnerable position during a thunderstorm can escalate an already stressful situation.

  • Panic Attacks: The loud noises and flashing lights associated with a thunderstorm can trigger panic attacks in certain individuals, and being in the shower can intensify this vulnerability.
  • Heightened Fear: Taking a shower during a thunderstorm might heighten the fear in those with pre-existing phobias. The stress caused can have a negative impact on mental health.

Potential Water Supply Disruptions

In severe thunderstorms, there can be disruptions to water supply – as power failures can affect water pumping stations.

  • Unreliable Water Supply: If a thunderstorm leads to a power outage, it might also disrupt the supply of running water. This could turn a relaxing shower into an inconvenient situation very quickly.
  • Water Pressure Fluctuations: Storm-related changes in local water pressure could affect the quality of your shower. This isn't a safety hazard, but it may reduce enjoyment of your shower.


So, you can see that taking a shower during lightning isn't the best idea. It's not just an old wives' tale but a sound advice based on scientific reasons. The conductive properties of metals in your home's plumbing combined with the water can create a pathway for lightning to follow. The risk might be small, but it is still there. Therefore, staying out of the shower during lightning strikes makes sense for personal safety.

If you're someone who enjoys a good shower during a storm, it might be time to rethink that habit. Showering during lightning is a risk not worth taking. There's enough evidence to suggest that lightning can, and does travel through pipes, presenting a potential hazard. It's far safer and wiser to wait until the storm has passed before hopping into that inviting warm water.

Braving a shower during a lightning storm really isn't worth the danger. Lightning strikes might be rare, but they do happen, and when they strike a home, the electricity can travel through water and metal pipes, right to your shower. It's a small risk, but a risk nonetheless. It's always best to err on the side of caution. So, next time the sky lights up, better to delay that shower and stay safe instead.

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Tags: lightning safety, shower safety, storm safety,